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About Us

JKP Publications was established in 2003, to cater to the needs of the ITI trainees appearing for All India Trade Test examinations. With a view to make them confident our experienced teachers Mr. AK.Xavier, B.E., and Mr. S.Radhakrishnan, D.E.E.E., have meticulously gone into all aspects of the syllabus and prepared ITI text books for various trades covering syllabus for Craftsman Training Scheme (CTS) under NCVT. Their expertise is visible in every page of our books from cover to cover.

Our books are well illustrated by CAD and easily understandable. Packed with variety of objective type questions our books cover all possible types of questions that can be expected in the examinations, thus acquainting the trainees with the type of questions they are likely to face in the examinations. The aim of our books is to provide an exhaustive practice for the trainees to take up the All India Trade Test under NCVT with confidence and succeed.

We assure you that we will continue to strive hard to improve the quality and standard of our books periodically, to meet the challenges of changing trend. Any suggestion to improve the quality of our books is welcome.